Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Old Work

Goblet, Bronze, 2009, 11.5"x3.5"

       A Cup you can't put down until you finish the liquid within. In ancient times, only royalties or  riches uses cups without a foot. Goblets usually holds wine or some kind of liqueur, and it was consider disrespectful if you didn't finish it in a setting. so cups/goblets were designed without foots.

Shameful Speaking Out Of Your MouthCeramics, 09, approx. 6'x 3.5'

At that time, I wanted to make something cool, and  challenging. So a Skull and a Door it is!!!!

Lucky Phone Charm, Ceramics, 09

       There was a trend a while ago, people loved(esp girls) handing these ridiculous phone charms that were bigger & longer than the phone itself.  Some 'charms' were rabitfoot, dream catchers, cartoon characters, stuffed dolls......
       I was doing some grocery shopping at a chinese supermarket a while back, on my way to my car, I saw a girl had like more than 10, 20 charms all hooked up to her cellphone, she was like hanging a bundle of grapes on her cellphone, too bad the charms weren't edible.  This piece was my response of the luxurious and excessive ways of life we live sometimes. (Stone carve Tortoise-Dragons was built in the far end of the Emperor's tomb in ancient China, the Tortoise-Dragon was said to bring longevity, which is considered the greatest blessings you could ever ask for.)

Past 2010 Solo Shows

Here are some of the posters I've designed for my past shows.

Scriptures, Black Gallery, SJSU

SOMETHING'S FISHY, Herbert Sanders Gallery, SJSU

Detail pictures from both shows will not be posted soon, due to great amount of editing in progress.=="

Monday, January 3, 2011


What would be a good topic for my first post? What about Art itself!!
Debates on the definition of Art have been going on for thousands of years.

Mortuary objects?
Marble sculpture?
Readymades (an urinal he bought and signed)?
Black and White picture?
Commercial/Fine Art?

And here's the best definition I've encountered over my limited years as an Artist. 


       The intellectuals creates, the brilliant interprets, preserves.  For all arts are Great Masters’ creation.  They craft metal to create blade, craft earth to create pottery, craft vehicle to travel, and craft boat to sail.  These are all creations of Great Masters.  With the right climate, appropriate geographic location, fine ingredients, and excellent craftsmanship, art is created. 
 (Zhouli—Ministry of Public Works)